Wednesday, 26 March 2014

My new friend

A small and sweet bunny moved in to my home the other day. I'm sure some more friends will join him later on in April. Some will be sweeter than others, and I'm afraid not all of them will survive until next year… 

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

A spring scream full of joy

Spring is just around the corner and I had to yell the happy spring yell, as Ronja Rövardotter use to do. Hold your ears, or join me! 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

After work

Today's after work consisted of some running, followed by a warm bath, soft shoes, Downton Abbey, and a cup of tea. And finally August decided to get inside as well. Humble as he is, he didn't need anything else than food and sleep. And now I will join him, entering the world of dreams.